Red Hat Tokyo Office 5th floor
This is a meetup about DCI/Lean architecture with JIm "Cope" Coplien for Rubyists have lived in Japan. Cope will give some talk about DCI and then you guys can ask him anything about the paradigm of DCI world.
NOTICE: this meetup named as 'for Rubyists' but anyone who is interested in is welcome! :sushi:
おりしも、DCI ――Lean Architectureのエヴァンジェライズに熱心なJim "Cope" CoplienがScrum Alliance Regional Gathering Tokyo 2013に合わせて来日します。そこで、Copeにかけあって忙しいスケジュールの合間をかいくぐって、日本のRubyistたちにDCIについて話をしてもらえないかと打診したところ、快諾いただきました。
(このmeetupはアギレルゴさまとRed Hatさまのご厚意により、実現する運びとなりました。この場を借りて御礼申し上げます)
Cope will give him talk in English and there isn't any interpretor/translator. haha!
Sure. Don't hesitate to register. You must catch at this opportunity!!
Feel free to mention @kakutani or drop me a line via e-mail to shintaro.kakutani at gmail dot com. Thanks in advance!